

Mindful Chair Yoga with Sally Dunne

Sally Dunne returns with her popular online classes of gentle but thorough yoga, including mindful stretching, breath-work and relaxation.

Yoga therpaist Sally Dunne will teach this inclusive class which is done seated, using easy, accessible poses. Our aim is to increase flexibility in the spine and the joints with careful and safe movements which are adaptable to everyone. Yoga can increase our range of movement, help muscle and joint flexibility and calm the mind.

This is a series of three classes taking place September 9th, 16th, and 23rd from 11:00 - 12:15. One ticket is sufficient for all three classes.

All you need to participate is a PC, Mac or smart device with a mic and webcam and a broadband connection.

Your email will be passed on to the facilitator in order to register you for the session. A link and password will be sent to you on the morning.

Tickets can be booked through the following link
